School Improvement Plan
Theory of action
The Theory of Action explains the rationale behind the strategic priorities, i.e. how the strategies will move the district forward.
If we update and revise our curriculum, our instructional practices, and our assessments through a culturally responsive lens . . .
THEN all of our students will have the opportunity to experience success and reach the desired levels of mastery and feel a sense of belonging.
Actions are the specific activities to be undertaken in each year to progress the key improvement strategies. There may be more than one action for each strategy. Schools will choose to describe actions with different levels of detail.
During the 2024 - 2025 school year, all staff will be introduced to and given time to unpack the BLACK PRINT findings/recommendations from their visit in May of ‘24.
During the 2024 - 2025 school year, we will collect and analyze student assessment data from a variety of sources (i.e., AP exams, STAR, MCAS, etc.) and make adjustments to practice based on our findings.
During the 2024 - 2025 school year, peer observation opportunities will be provided for teachers to build connections with colleagues and to routinely reflect upon, update, and revise their instructional practices. Peer observation will be structured in a way that focuses on promoting a broader culture of collaboration, mutual trust, and respect.
Measurable Success Criteria
Success criteria are markers of success. They are useful in demonstrating whether the strategies and actions have been successful. Success criteria often reflect observable changes in practice or behavior. To simplify and focus the school’s monitoring of progress, only a limited number of success criteria should be set.
Based on the initial findings/report, professional development will be provided during building-based meetings throughout the year, focusing on utilizing this feedback to positively impact the student experience.
By the end of the year, educators will report a better understanding of the knowledge and skills needed to implement the BLACK PRINT recommendations.
On the 2025 ELA, Math, and Science MCAS exams, at least 90% of our students will receive a score of ‘meeting’ or ‘exceeding’ and 100% of students will pass.
All students taking an Advanced Placement Exam will receive a score of 3 or higher. In addition, all AP subject exams administered at HHS will have an average score above both the national and state averages.
Subject Matter Leaders will provide appropriate interventions for students based on their STAR scores, including but not limited to, remediation, class placement, and/or additional support as deemed necessary.
On the end-of-year admin effectiveness survey, staff will report that peer observations helped enable them to “improve their practice, build better relationships with colleagues outside of their department, and develop a shared understanding of effective classroom practice, including giving and receiving feedback.”
Theory of action
The Theory of Action explains the rationale behind the strategic priorities, i.e. how the strategies will move the district forward.
If we invest in social-emotional, behavioral, and physical wellness and graduate well-balanced students and amplify student voice and self-advocacy skills. . .
THEN students will feel more agency in their learning, demonstrate a higher level of school life balance and will develop competencies involving skills that equip them to calm themselves when angry, initiate friendships and resolve conflicts respectfully, make ethical and safe choices, and contribute constructively to their community.
Actions are the specific activities to be undertaken in each year to progress the key improvement strategies. There may be more than one action for each strategy. Schools will choose to describe actions with different levels of detail.
During the 2024 - 2026 school year, we will collect and analyze student climate data from a variety of sources (i.e., HSA, School Climate Surveys, PAGS, MWAHS, etc.).
During the 2024 - 2026 school year, opportunities for more exploration of post-secondary options will be made available to students.
Measurable Success Criteria
Success criteria are markers of success. They are useful in demonstrating whether the strategies and actions have been successful. Success criteria often reflect observable changes in practice or behavior. To simplify and focus the school’s monitoring of progress, only a limited number of success criteria should be set.
In the 2025 MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey (MWAHS), we will see a decrease in our female population reporting “life was very stressful over the past 30 days” and “depressive symptoms over the past 12 months.”
Via the 2024 School Climate Survey, we will see an increase in students reporting “I have an adult in addition to my counselor who knows me well and assists me in reaching my potential.”
Through the 2024 Pathways After Graduate Survey (PAGS), we will see an increase in graduates reporting “How prepared were you compared to your peers in college,” among other criteria reflective of student agency.
The collection of student and staff feedback survey data will indicate that recent changes to the school’s cell phone policy and the installation of vape detectors have had positive impacts on the learning environment for students and staff.
The School Counseling Department will act upon and share with appropriate staff HSA data when concerned with individual students.
By the end of the school year, the Senior Capstone committee will meet to plan, organize, and prepare a structure in which all students in the class of ‘26 will partake in a senior capstone during the 2025-2026 school year.
By the end of the 2026 school year, there will be an increase in the number of students who have taken part in a post-secondary option either through involvement in MyCap opportunities or alternative programs.
HHS SIP : 2024-2025