Our Mission
The Hopkinton Public Schools ensures equitable access for all students to academically challenging curricula in a community that supports social-emotional learning, ultimately guiding young adults to create their own pathways, engage in citizenship, and foster respect for self and others.
Striving for Excellence
Hopkinton High School provides an environment where each student is challenged in an atmosphere that promotes intellectual development, creativity, and inquiry. We expect students and staff to be respectful, accepting and responsible in their interactions with others. By setting high standards for each member of the school community, we continuously strive for excellence.
Academic, Social and Civic Expectations
Academic Expectations
Students will communicate effectively through speaking.
Students will read critically.
Students will write clearly and effectively.
Students will demonstrate creativity.
Students will solve problems effectively by acquiring, analyzing, and processing information
Social Expectations
Students will demonstrate respect for others and themselves.
Students will accept others and appreciate differences.
Students will demonstrate empathy and compassion in their daily interactions.
Civic Expectations
Students will demonstrate school pride through integrity, respect, and responsibility.
Students will contribute to the school and the greater community.
Students will pursue their interests and develop their talents in and out of the classroom.