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Hopkinton Center for the Arts
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Learn, Create, Achieve Together
Class News
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Highlights From The Hill
Welcome to Hopkinton High School home of the Hillers, please take a moment to learn more about our school by reading some of the included stories in this section
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HHS Athletics
High School Tryouts for most teams begin on August 22nd while football and Cheer begin on August 13th & 16th
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What's going on in your life? Do you have suggestions for events HHS-TV should cover? How are our shows looking? Is there anything we should improve? Do you have a cool talent, hobby or story to share? If you answer yes to any of these questions, this is the page for all suggestions for anything HHS-TV!
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Transitions - Making the transition from the Middle School to the High School
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Facts & Figures
In Mass High Schools(Us News)
Of Hopkinton students took one AP Test
Number of Students at HHS
# of Students that Earned Biliteracy Seal
4-Year graduation Rate